In support of

REGISTRATION CLOSED! We have 500 registrations!

Attempt a 540m world record tug-of-war!

Do you want to attempt a Guinness World Record for the longest game of tug-of-war and raise money for charity? The record is currently 518m and Otis, Owen & Freddie need your help to beat the record with an attempt of 540m across Tonbridge park. 

Register now as there's a max of 500 spaces available for this Guinness World Record attempt. Donations go to War Child, the charity dedicated to helping children around the world who have been affected by conflict.

When: 3pm, 30th June 2024

Where: Tonbridge Racecourse Park (across all of it!)

How: £5 minimum donation per child - proceeds go to War Child. Suggested ages 5-14.

Maximum 500 entries!


How do I register to take part?

1) Register on this website with your email and the name/age of the children you'd like to participate.
You'll receive an email confirming your registration with instructions on how to donate via our paypal account...(check your spam folder)

2) Visit our paypal account and donate a minimum of £5 per child.
Donations go to War Child and covering the cost of the rope which will be donated to local forestry schools.

3) Your space is secure once you've registered and donated.
We will confirm the team your child's in and more event details in the lead up to the event.

There are only 500 spaces available so register now!

Show your support

If you're not entering a participant you can still donate and we'll display your company’s website. Email contact details are at the bottom of the page if you'd like to volunteer and support.
Disclaimer: The organisers and volunteers of this charity event are not liable for any injuries or damages that may occur.
Participation is at your own risk. By joining, you acknowledge that you assume full responsibility for any risks involved.
Contact: calvert9 (at)
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